Free AAC Core Word Activity
How to use bubbles to connect with your students
AND get teacher/parent buy-in

Did you just end your AAC session with another student climbing under the table?
Are you frustrated because you know the only time your student uses his AAC device is when he is with you?
Do you know that when they are working with their kids at home, parents are as lost as you are and that they need new AAC tools as well?
Download this free resource to help you engage your student in your next session, offer an explainer to parents, and get teacher buy-in.
I need this nowThis Printable Download includes:
⭐ Fun engaging activities for core words
⭐ Core Word explanation for parents and staff
⭐ Printable classroom posters
⭐ Teacher resources
⭐ Links to core word songs, videos, game
⭐ Video instructions from me
⭐ Just add Bubbles