Join the Waitlist

Confidently help your students 

use AAC every day

Go from feeling lost and unsure about AAC to feeling confident and competent.  Help your students to say what they want to say, when they want to say it.

If you’re an SLP, SLPA or special education teacher working with students who have (or need) AAC devices then you probably already know that you need to build your skills in that very specific area. 

Especially if you want to help your students communicate more effectively

After all, you deeply feel that better communication is the key tipping point for your students to have more success. Both in school and their everyday life. By confidently helping them with AAC on a daily basis you can leverage your time, have a greater impact on your students and even reduce behavior outbursts. 



Even if you're lucky enough to have a little knowledge of AAC, building a strong AAC foundation can:

  • Build amazing communication bridges

    Once you truly know what you're doing, following a structured approach you'll see your students make connections with peers, staff and family members. Whereas before you were struggling to help them connect and participate. 
  • Significantly boost classroom success

    Help AAC users become more successful, not just in speech therapy sessions but in the classroom by accessing their ability to respond and participate. Rather than seeing your students feel like an outsider in the classroom. 
  • Instantly increase student independence

    Now, instead of throwing a tantrum when he wants his favorite toy, he'll be able to use AAC to let you know. He has the ability to clearly express likes & dislikes and make comments. You'll be opening a whole new world for him. Instead of leaving him frustrated and ignored. 
  • Generate buy-in from all team members

    Lead by example by using proven AAC strategies that work. Build collaboration. No more banging into brick walls when you engage other team members. 
  • Change lives

    Be the lead in facilitating long lasting change for the better. You'll know what you're doing with AAC and be able to confidently advocate for your AAC users. Because that's why you became an SLP!

Join the Waitlist - I'll be opening for enrollment in July 2024

The AAC Academy Jump Start Intensive will help you to move away from confusion and isolation when working with children with complex communication needs. It will help you operate effectively as their advocate and empowering force. Sign up for the Waitlist now and get access to the Early Bird special.


Learn more about AAC? Awesome, but where do I start?

You want to help your complex communication needs students but you just don’t have the experience or the knowledge base. Plus each student has a different device.

Maybe in the past, you got really motivated and googled “AAC” and got a few thousand results. So you narrowed it down to some scholarly journal articles and tried to sift through all the theory. Half an hour later you were just frustrated and even more overwhelmed by what you didn’t know. 

You’ve read some AAC blog articles and watched some Youtube videos and then thought how the heck am I going to make that work in real life?

If you’re super committed maybe you even took a few courses through continuing education or listened to a speaker. But when you got back in front of your students you just didn’t know where to start.

And you have a couple of students that you really think might need AAC but don’t know where to even begin that process. So you tell yourself you’ll get to it later. Only later never comes, and those kids are out there waiting for you NOW!

Here’s why most would-be AAC Bosses abandon the project:

Without a super clear, step-by-step foundational plan, most would-be AAC Bosses get completely lost.

They fall victim to paralyzing tech hang ups, lack of staff buy in and time-sucking planning sessions.

Here’s why this is irreversibly incapacitating.

As an already busy SLP or teacher with students to serve, service minutes to fulfill and all those IEPs to write you literally can’t afford to veer off course.

Establishing your AAC Skills is something you need to get right the first time.

Unfortunately there are a lot of people out there that aren’t doing it in the best, most effective way. So students are missing out.

But even if you’re a little late to the party , there’s still a golden opportunity for you to jump in and help not only your current students but all the students you’ll have throughout your SLP or teaching career.


Four Reasons Why you're still stuck with a chronic case of AAC paralysis (and how to snap out of it right now)

Reason #1

I have to do this alone.

You’re not the Lone Ranger. There are a lot of moving parts to AAC, you need like-minded peers to bounce ideas off, ask questions and share little victories.

 Solution: Find a mentor who can show you a proven step by step path to AAC success - no more trying to piece together 11 Google results and a course on theory.

Reason #2

I have to be tech savvy.

Here’s the deal. There are many different forms of AAC, both high and low tech. Some SLPs think they’ll have to spend all their time programming new and specific vocabulary into devices. 

Do I have to know how to use all the different types of devices? What if the device breaks down? What if each of my students is on a different type of device?

These are just some of the questions.

Solution: Learn the five key basics you need to know about any device and how to plan one lesson or session to fit multiple devices at the same time.

Reason #3

I don't have time.

Many SLPs approach the ability to teach AAC as “another thing to learn” but the thing is you can’t just treat it as another course to take. It’s an immensely valuable skill that when done right can bring you and your students joy over the course of a career.

Solution: Prioritize your AAC skill building into bite-sized immediately actionable pieces. AAC knowledge is an important asset to take you from scrambling to total boss day in, day out. 

Reason #4

I won't get teacher and staff buy-in when it comes to AAC


It’s hard when you’re expected to be the expert and do it all. Team members look to you at IEP meetings and blame you when you student “isn’t motivated to use his device”. Meanwhile, it’s sitting in his backpack and you’re feeling totally guilty.

Solution: Shift your mindset from “waiting for the perfect team member” to actively creating allies. Build a team of AAC helpers NOW, so your students WILL succeed while you lead the way.

Shh...I'm going to let you in on a little secret

There is a proven process that takes the fear out of AAC. If you've made it this far, you ALREADY know that building your AAC foundation is critical to the success of you and your students.

Join the Waitlist

Be the first to know when I open for enrollment in July 2024. The AAC Academy Jump Start Intensive will help you to move away from confusion and isolation when working with children with complex communication needs. It will help you operate effectively as their advocate and empowering force. Sign up for the Waitlist now and be the first to know when the Early Bird special is available.

"I just want you know that I’ve been an SLP for 30+ years, including 10 years at a Child Development Centre, but you’ve just made AAC so much more ‘doable’ and fun.  I so appreciate that you don’t bog it all down in terminology and do’s and don’ts to the point where one is afraid to Jump In!    I just enjoy your web sessions so much and I thank you for making the realm of AAC so user friendly to me."

Leanne, SLP 

"Since AAC Academy, I now feel ... more confident with different AAC systems, general background knowledge with all things AAC and some extremely useful AAC strategies. I am going into my second year of being an SLP and I feel much more confident than I did during my CF because of the AAC Academy. I love the resources that Anne provides us with as members. I feel like the AAC Academy is SO worth it and I highly recommend joining! "

Sarah, SLP


AAC Academy™ Jump Start Intensive

Grow your AAC skills every day so you can confidently empower your students 

After over a decade of helping students with complex communication needs, I’ve developed a streamlined proven process that works for SLPs and special educators who are:

Stuck in neutral with no idea of how or where to start

Just getting started and don’t have the training they need

Waiting for the elusive “perfect” moment when they finally know exactly how to proceed

Struggling to gain traction with their current students and their team support

In a the school system or a pediatric clinic. This is for you whether you’re a speech language pathologist (SLP), speech language pathologist assistant (SLPA), special education teacher or speech language therapist (SLT)Ready to create consistent results with impact to match!


AAC Academy™ Jump Start Intensive is the ONLY program of its kind that…

1. Provides you with AAC coaching and support
2. Gives you the immediate tech knowledge you need
3. Provides immediately actionable ideas and strategies
4. Gives you a crystal clear AAC roadmap to build your confidence

So if you’re ready to finally build your AAC foundation while avoiding AAC paralysis and uncertainty...

Here's how we'll help you get here:

Module 1


Get a clear understanding of what  you're scared and unsure of.

In this module, I'll give you a snapshot of common AAC mistakes, myths and misconceptions — so you can avoid them as you get started on your AAC journey.

Module Highlights:

  • AAC Common Mistakes
  • AAC Myths and Misconceptions
Module 2

Jump Right In

Feel confident to start right NOW, no need to wait.

Module Highlights:

  •  What you need to know NOW
  • How to quickly get familiar with a new device
  • Highly motivating activities
  • How to be animated and model
Module 3

Bringing Joy

This is probably one of the most important modules, we have to make communication fun and meaningful. Get a clear understanding of the importance of bringing joy to communication along with ideas and demonstrations on how to do it.

Module Highlights:

  • Wind up toys
  • Light up toys
  • Little boxes
  • The importance of novelty
Module 4


Module Highlights:

There are many different forms of high tech AAC. Here you'll get tutorials and handouts on some of the most popular systems.

  • Proloquo2go
  • TouchChat HD with Word Power
  • CoughDrop AAC
  • Classrooms with multiple devices
Module 5

Therapy Ideas

Module Highlights:

Practical ideas and demonstrations to get you started with using core vocabulary right away.

  • Therapy ideas for core word MORE
  • Therapy ideas for core word IN
  • Therapy ideas for core words TURN, I, DO, UP
  • Therapy ideas for core words OPEN, IN, PUT, ON
Module 6


Module Highlights:

This is a total game changer! Learn all about the vital importance of modeling (or using AAC to teach AAC).

  • Four strategies for modeling
  • Modeling practice example
  • AAC in the trenches K-3
Module 7


Module Highlights:

Making a strong connection with your AAC user is vital. Kids learn from people they like. Also learn the importance of connecting with all stakeholders.

  • Building Trust
  • Establishing Connections
  • Examples of Core and Fringe in classrooms
  • Access
  • Ideas for daily classroom activities
Module 8

Goals & IEP

Module Highlights:

  • Writing Authentic AAC Goals
  • Ultimate AAC Goal Planning Guide
  • Tips for parents

Join the Waitlist

AAC Academy Jump Start Intensive will be opening for enrollment in July 2024. Click the button below to be one of the first to know when I open the course for our next live round and share the Early Bird special.

Plus you'll be backed by a Risk-Free 30 day Guarantee

Let me say this upfront. AAC Academy TM Jump Start Intensive is a comprehensive, step-by-step implementation program for SLPs and educators who are excited and COMMITTED to learning how to help their students with AAC.

By the end of 30 days, you'll have had the opportunity to listen to the modules, get questions answered in our private Facebook group, and implement what you've learned.

If you don't feel motivated and more confident by all your new strategies, simply reach out, show us you've put in the work, and we'll refund your investment. 

When you enroll  you'll get:

AAC AcademyTM Jump Start Intensive

(A $487 value)

  • 8 Action-Packed Modules showing you literally EVERYTHING you need to do to get started with AAC.
  • A proven, step-by-step framework showing you how to connect joyfully with your students, use core vocabulary, and build your confidence . 
  • Tried and true therapy activities to implement right away. 
  • Weekly LIVE group coaching session answering your questions and clarifying lessons. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What our most successful students asked before joining AAC Academy Jump Start Intensive

Yes! You're going to prioritize your AAC skill building into bite-sized immediately actionable pieces. You'll build on that knowledge. AAC knowledge is an important asset that'll take your from scrambling to total AAC boss.

In AAC Academy Jump Start, we've streamlined the process for you. With each module you'll get bite-sized actionable steps that will get you the results you need without having to dig through a lot of extraneous information.

You're going to learn the five key basics you need to know about any device and how to get up and running with it right away.

Yes, we know you need all the information now. You'll have immediate access and you can learn at your own pace.

This course is perfect for you if you're a beginner or just had a little bit of experience with AAC but are ready to know more.

Support is a big part of this course. Within our private facebook group, we have weekly Q & A's called Office Hours.

This course is not for AAC experts. It's geared for AAC beginners and people who have had enough experience with AAC to know they need to learn more.

ASHA - Certification Maintenance Hours

We are currently not a pre-approved ASHA provider, However we are able to allow you to print of a certificate of completion for certification maintenance hours (CMH).

Click here to read more details on this and what is required of you. 

As Seen On

Join the Waitlist

AAC Academy Jump Start Intensive is opening soon for enrollment. Click the button below to be one of the first to know when I open the course for our next live round.


50% Complete

Enter your email below to join the AAC Academy Jump Start Intensive Waitlist. 

You'll be the first to know when I open the course for the next live round and while you're waiting I'll share my best resources and advice on using AAC to support your students.